Game Dreamer MY Apps

蘭陵王King of Lanling 1.0.01
电视剧正版授权改编的史诗ARPG!百人团战、阵营实时PK,无间战火一触即发!结识知心轻松摇,摇到美女一起聊!官方网站:官方粉丝团:【游戏特色】★史诗壮丽的《兰陵王》原著剧情完美重现。根据收视人口达1700多万的热门影剧正版授权改编的ARPG手机游戏!★三大阵营爽快实时PK竞技,技能、轻功等多重搭配衍生丰富战术。为了国家霸业及自身的荣耀,投身著名战役撼动天下大势!★互动交友轻松摇,摇到美女一起聊,全新的语音聊天模式,让你只需动口不动手。不再一个个文字输入,透过摇一摇以及全新语音系统,让你聊天交友更轻松!★全新的操作设计理念,一根手指即可轻松游玩的ARPG游戏。跨世代手游操作模式,随时随地轻松玩!★强大的角色养成系统,技能招式、内功和侍宠等多种培养路线。游戏蕴含丰富的养成方式,进化ARPG角色培养的真髓!★颠覆手游的PVE系统,独有创新的“摇一摇”组队模式。崭新的组队模式,不仅能邀请战友一同战斗,更有有趣的互动小游戏!★华丽渲染特效,紧张刺激的战斗感官盛宴。顺畅华丽的战斗画面,古代战场的激烈厮杀跃然呈现于掌间!★酷炫坐骑究极进化!尊贵视觉突显王者霸气。丰富的坐骑养成系统,乘上外观与能力不断进化的坐骑,衬托出您的王者尊容!★丰富副本玩法,等您来挑战。多元多种类的副本玩法,一直玩一直玩一直玩,天天都有新挑战!===========================================================================【Statement】Epic RPG bases on a famous TV program with officiallicensing.MMO Action game includes real-time PK, 1v1 arena, and multiplayerbattlefield.Find best teammates anytime and anywhere.Official website: Page:【FEATURES】★Experience an epic story completely in accordance with magnificentTV drama Lan Ling Wang.★Three forces againts each other. Ten Battlefields on fire everyday. Improve yourself with plenty skills and gears to fight withother players.★Easy to find friends. Realtime match and chat with text or voicemessage.★Brand-new concept of semi-control game experience.
HelloNikki - Let's Beauty Up 4.0.0
Description【Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up】An innovative education simulationdress up game, like a cool breeze, now debuts!Hello Nikki is custom-designed for you if you dream of dressing upbeautifully while travelling around the world! Thousands ofbeautiful outfits, millions of stylish collocations! Enjoyinteresting stories and super cute scenes during your world-widetravel with Nikki, and improve your taste on fashion everyday!●A perfect combination of RPG and Dress Up Game. Meet newfriends while travelling the world, challenge new missions, solveinteresting riddles, and experience fun events in this fantasticclothes changing journey!●Delicate character picturing and country mapping, Offering uniquevisual enjoyment to you.●Weekly competition for dressing and styling.You can compete withall other users around the world, or instead, be part of a juryyourself!●Thousands of outfits is available now .New clothes and accessoriesare continuously Updating, including traditional costumes ofdifferent nations , and lots of cute Props.●Unique and accurate evaluation system- A challenge to youraesthetics and the taste of styling. Do your best to reach the Slevel!The S level collocations would be great reference to yourdaily dressing.●To be a task expert! Generous treasures will be awarded for theone who gets top ranking scores by completing daily missions.●Creative and fun game play, with a unique Affection Level system.Enjoy the fun of collecting clothing materials and tailoring. TheMystery House would bring you great excitement and plenty ofpresents. Can’t wait!Join Hello Nikki to Begin a journey to fun andbeauty right now!Updates Content:1.New Map: “Egypt”, “Kenya”, “South Africa”, “AustraliaⅠ”,“AustraliaⅡ”;2.New suits,clothes and function of searching clothes ;3.New Events: “Time Lof”, “Astrology”, “World Tour, Challenge”,“Monthly Top Up Bonus”, “Clover Garden”, “Magic Styling Match”,“Sky Challenge”;Contact Us《Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up》facebook:《Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up》Official Page:《Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up》Fans Group:《Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up》Wechat: HelloNikkiEmail: du@efunfun.comCustomer service : 08:00 - 23:00游戏描述:【Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up】-全球首款清新换装养成手游,玩美登场!专为爱美的你所打造的游戏,一边环游世界,一边换上美美的衣服!数千款精美服饰,无数种个性搭配!超可爱的关卡剧情,带你玩转世界各地!和Nikki一起环游世界,开启你的玩美之旅吧!换装与RPG完美融合!在世界环游的过程中不断结识新朋友,挑战新关卡,寻找谜题的答案,体验充满乐趣的剧情!精美细腻的画质,绝赞的人物立绘,精巧细致的地图,将带来与众不同的视觉享受!每周一次的搭配评选赛,可以报名参赛与全球玩家比较搭配,还可以当评委反客为主!上千款精美服饰可供选择,目前仍在不断更新中!可随意创造过亿种不同搭配,更有地域特色服装和众多萌物道具让你目不暇接!独创的精准评价系统。和朋友一起大胆搭配,挑战你的S级审美和衣服搭配能力!贴近生活的剧情对日常穿衣搭配极具参考价值喔!疯狂任务达人。进入游戏完成每日任务,累计得分登上排行榜,还可获得丰厚的奖励喔!创意多样的玩法,融合好感度养成系统!体验收集材料亲手制作衣服的乐趣,尝试新鲜刺激的谜之屋,更有大量礼物送出!心动了吗?赶快加入Nikki的玩美之旅吧!更新內容:1.新增地图:“Egypt”,“Kenya”, “South Africa”, “AustraliaⅠ”, “AustraliaⅡ”;2.新增套装、服饰以及衣服搜索功能;3.新增活动:“Time Lof”, “Astrology”, “World Tour, Challenge”, “MonthlyTop Up Bonus”, “Clover Garden”, “Magic Styling Match”, “SkyChallenge”;联系我们:《Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up》粉丝页:《Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up》官网:《Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up》讨论区:《Hello Nikki - Let’s Beauty Up》Wechat: HelloNikki邮箱: du@efunfun.com服务时间: 08:00 - 23:00
英雄顶尖对决-魔力时代 1.1.0
「全景4D」运用欧美电影等级的渲染引擎打造超完美高规格的并超越3D人物场景的视觉飨宴,同时可转动游戏内场景,真真实实的给予玩家 次世代手游新感受。「卡通动漫」集结中日画师联合携手打造,可爱到萌翻,帅气到不行的上百组史诗英雄人物等您召唤。「引导精灵」最完善的语音引导精灵,《十万个冷笑话》原班人马!倾情献声,带给你不一样的惊喜,让勇者们在冒险的路上不孤单。「免费钻石」不花钱也可以玩得很开心的游戏,透过游戏内的各种系统与任务,每天都可以领取满满的点数钻石,不再被游戏束缚,不被游戏玩,真正实现「翘脚髯嘴须」玩游戏的轻松爽快感。「特色庄园」种、偷、许什么!!!种菜偷菜还可以得钻石?许愿也可以得钻石?是天上掉下来的钻石吗?那可不可以给我五倍的钻石阿阿啊!!还有更多更多意想不到的「特色系统」等玩家们来发掘喔!!!粉丝页:依游戏分级管理办法,本游戏为 辅 级12岁。游戏内容涉及: 暴力、部分角色有凸显胸、臀之服饰。请合理安排时间,避免沉迷于游戏。
Blade Beauty 1.1.4
《Blade Beauty》is a X-rate ARPG game which ismain sexy girls.It emphasizes real and emphatic fighting feeling ,meets your the ultimate pursuit of micro operation.Fancy scene、special mounts ,hundreds of sexy fashion meets yourunlimited pursuit of beauty.FeaturesFighting without rocker operationFighting without rocker operation, satisfies your ultimatepursuit of micro operation.Real Time Guild Team WarThousands of players fight together smoothly. Peak battleexplodes.World BOSSOverwhelming world Boss War test your reaction and technologyMultivariant FashionHundreds of fashion , different goddess ‘s sexy attraction
Pocket Q 1.0.1
2015全新酷萌拟人化小精灵手游Pocket Q火热来袭!☆游戏背景☆游戏剧情是以一个充满酷萌拟人化小精灵的世界为蓝本,主角通过精灵学院召集不同类型与属性的小精灵,组建强大的精灵军团,一起来对抗妄想毁灭这个世界的邪恶BOSS。☆游戏特色☆官方强力推荐,由顶级2次元动漫爱好者团队联合开发打造的次世代手游PocketQ,通过其超精美的画风和超可爱的日本声优配音完美诠释了人们心目中的小精灵,熟悉又新奇的捕捉和副本探索玩法更唤醒了内心的感动,决定好了吗,马上选择你的小精灵伙伴出发,开启全新的冒险之旅吧!☆特色系统☆1. 著名日系声优加盟日系声优联合配音,打造出完美声音质感的精灵世界。2. 小精灵全面拟人化,三重形态进化萌萌皮卡丘变身萌系舞娘,还有更多小精灵等你来进化成萌系二次元小萝莉。3. 全新首创副本探索系统拒绝传统副本模式,融合全新的副本探索系统,每个副本都能触发不同时随机事件,让刷副本更具乐趣。4. 爽快三段大招系统进化你的小精灵即可获得更高的大招段数,全屏走位酣畅作战,大招三段释放+全队连招,看萌萌哒精灵上演神兽级史诗对决。5. 趣味BOSS捕捉系统看上那只史诗BOSS就抓他来当小弟吧,趣味的精灵捕捉、养成玩法让游戏的每一个副本更具多次探索的价值与乐趣。☆其他☆FB粉丝页:
穿盔甲的精灵 1.0.0
2015全新酷萌拟人化小精灵手游穿盔甲的精灵火热来袭!☆游戏背景☆游戏剧情是以一个充满酷萌拟人化小精灵的世界为蓝本,主角通过精灵学院召集不同类型与属性的小精灵,组建强大的精灵军团,一起来对抗妄想毁灭这个世界的邪恶BOSS。☆游戏特色☆官方强力推荐,由顶级2次元动漫爱好者团队联合开发打造的次世代手游穿盔甲的精灵,通过其超精美的画风和超可爱的日本声优配音完美诠释了人们心目中的小精灵,熟悉又新奇的捕捉和副本探索玩法更唤醒了内心的感动,决定好了吗,马上选择你的小精灵伙伴出发,开启全新的冒险之旅吧!☆特色系统☆1. 著名日系声优加盟日系声优联合配音,打造出完美声音质感的精灵世界。2. 小精灵全面拟人化,三重形态进化萌萌皮卡丘变身萌系舞娘,还有更多小精灵等你来进化成萌系二次元小萝莉。3. 全新首创副本探索系统拒绝传统副本模式,融合全新的副本探索系统,每个副本都能触发不同时随机事件,让刷副本更具乐趣。4. 爽快三段大招系统进化你的小精灵即可获得更高的大招段数,全屏走位酣畅作战,大招三段释放+全队连招,看萌萌哒精灵上演神兽级史诗对决。5. 趣味BOSS捕捉系统看上那只史诗BOSS就抓他来当小弟吧,趣味的精灵捕捉、养成玩法让游戏的每一个副本更具多次探索的价值与乐趣。☆其他☆FB粉丝页:
灵魂契约师 1.0.6
2015首款万人在线军团战争类ARPG手游强势震撼登陆!☆游戏背景☆远古恶之黑翼赫拉,从封印中觉醒,她将要启动毁灭世界的究极兵器,人类面临灭绝的威胁,在存亡旦夕的时刻,白翼莱亚召集各地用着,讨伐赫拉及她的恶党,能否度过这场浩劫,希望全系在你身上!☆游戏特色☆灵魂契约师是一款大型多人同时在线ARPG手机网游,包含了战斗系统、角色系统、属性系统、锻造系统、女仆系统、坐骑系统、精灵系统等多样化系统,同时还开发了多种多样的副本玩法、限时活动、日常玩法以及休闲互动玩法,让玩家游戏的每一刻都充满乐趣。通过方便快捷的语音交流,准确智能的好友推荐功能,做到游戏社交两不误。☆娶个妖精回家当老婆☆特色女仆系统,绝色女仆任你摆布。御姐萝莉,耍酷卖萌随你挑,马上加入组建你的后宫军团把。☆特色系统☆1. 热血PVP:体验史上最激烈的虚幻真实战场。①佣兵战场,千人同屏征战,冲锋陷阵与抉择帷幄随你选择。②天梯1V1 ,是英雄就战个痛快把。③兵团战场,攻城陷阵,这一刻你是远古战场的主角。2.养成系统①萌萌精灵,最萌最可以的精灵宠物就在这里喔。②绝色女仆,萝莉!御姐!女王!全部都要,组成你的后宫军团吧!③史诗坐骑,酷炫百变,实力与身份的象征。3.恋爱交友①爱神之箭,马上加入寻找你生命中的那个她/他。②自定义头像,用最真实的你体验恋爱交友的乐趣。③语音聊天,原来手游交流也能这么方便。☆其他☆FB粉丝页: first class peopleonline Corps War ARPG hand tour landed a strong shock!Background ☆ ☆ GamesHera ancient evil black wings, awakening from the seal, she willstart to destroy the world's ultimate weapon, the threat of humanextinction, survival overnight at the moment, with white wings Leiaconvene around with, Hera and her crusade evil party, whetherthrough this catastrophe, hope that the whole system in yourbody!☆ ☆ Game FeaturesSoul contract division is a massively multiplayer onlinesimultaneously ARPG mobile games, including the combat system, therole of the system, property system, forging system, maid system,mount system, elves systems and other diverse systems, alsodeveloped a wide range of a copy of the play, limit activities ofdaily interactive play and recreational games are played, so thatevery moment of the game players have fun. Friends accurateintelligence through convenient voice communication, recommendationfeature, so that the game social correct.☆ marry a monster home when his wife ☆Featured maid system, stunning maid either you mercy. Royal sisterLolita, selling Meng sorts of stuff as you choose, set up yourharem immediately join the Legion.☆ ☆ characteristics of the system1. Blood PVP: Experience the history of the most intense unrealreal battlefield.① mercenary battlefield, thousands of people with screen battle, ordefeat strikes and choice as you choose.② ladder 1V1, is the hero of the war enjoyment.③ Corps battlefield, siege trap array, this moment you are theprotagonist of ancient battlefield.2. develop a system① Meng Meng wizard, the wizard can most Meng pet oh here.② stunning maid, Lolita! Royal Sister! Queen! All have to form yourharem corps now!③ epic mount, cool and amazing, a symbol of strength andidentity.3. Love Dating① arrow Cupid, join now looking for in your life that she /he.② custom avatar, you experience the most authentic love datingfun.③ voice chat, exchange the original mobile games can be soeasy.☆ other ☆FB fan page: https: //
有殺氣童話-伴侶系統浪漫來襲 8.0.0
APRG戰鬥童話冒險!這個童話由你一手改造!《有殺氣童話》是以經典童話故事為題材結合ARPG戰鬥操作的手機遊戲,顛覆性把童話故事人物重新呈現在玩家面前。暴力睡公主、奪命小紅帽等童話人物,在美麗可愛的外表下其實是一名充滿殺氣的強力戰士。官方專頁:官方交流組:遊戲背景有殺氣童話世界裡的巫后為一己私利詛咒眾生,無數生靈被控制失去本心,奧茲預言將有大巫師來拯救童話世界。有一天,來自異世界的主角闖入到童話世界中,在這個世界裡生活的白雪公主、灰姑娘、小紅帽等在美麗可愛的外表其實都是「有殺氣」的強力戰士。遊戲特色跨服公會戰殺氣來襲,巔峰之戰誰主浮沉跨服公會戰全面開啟,團結你們的童話夥伴一起在童話世界征戰吧!跨服爭霸戰,爭做童話王跨服激戰正式拉開序幕,高手巔峰較量一觸即發,到底誰立於童話世界的頂峰?請各位拭目而待!APRG戰鬥童話《有殺氣童話》是以經典童話故事為題材結合ARPG戰鬥操作的手機遊戲,顛覆性把童話故事人物重新呈現在玩家面前。暴力睡公主、奪命小紅帽等童話人物,在美麗可愛的外表下其實是一名充滿殺氣的強力戰士。全粵語配音首款全粵語配音遊戲,糖妹(黃山怡)、阿Bob(林盛斌)、喬寶寶(喬保羅)、小寶(陈嘉佳)等一眾藝人,使用粵語配合誇張搞怪手法重新演繹一個不一樣的童話世界。三維骨骼追蹤遊戲人物採用3D人體骨骼動作追蹤技術,高度還原童話人物表情動作,結合3D高清的遊戲畫面,將一個個栩栩如生的童話人物完美呈現在玩家面前。收集童話夢之隊遊戲集合多部經典童話故事人物,在遊戲世界旅程中你可以通過收集育成等玩法,把那些童年時耳熟能詳童話人物(白雪公主、白馬王子、小紅帽、灰姑娘、睡公主)培養成一名強力戰士去拯救世界。特色玩法1. 陣容組合策略童話人物可根據屬性可分為:光、暗、木、水、火,根據職業可分為:輔助型、防禦型、物攻型、法攻型,利用屬性相生相剋和職業類型搭配打造最強陣容。2.盛裝舞會聊天交友充滿特色的互動聊天系統,邀請好友一起跳舞聊天互動,來一場帥哥偶遇萌妹子的艷遇!3.最強公會爭奪戰集結小伙伴組建最強公會,參加萬人公會領地爭奪戰,享受逐鹿天下運籌帷幄的快感。4.國王懸賞國王懸賞鑽石萬兩,特色任務系統海量鑽石寶物等你拿。其他FB粉絲頁:遊戲官網:
无双之魂—燃烧你的三国魂 3.0.0
《无双之魂》是一款以三国题材的角色扮演类手游,为你重新定义三国策略游戏!由布防到进攻都由你一手包办,完全掌控战斗过程,斗智斗力,跟全世界玩家决战,一统天下!★全球首创「阵眼系统」战斗策略完美结合★首创阵眼系统,玩家可以通过阵眼来增强战斗技能的效果,相比传统的回合制游戏,战斗策略性更强!★名将与美人紧密结合,游戏不再孤单★自古红颜多薄命,而你就是拯救三国名媛的乱世英雄,收尽世间美女名媛,享受游戏中江山美人的霸王待遇!★百玩不厌特色副本★多样化刺激好玩的副本通关,通关成功将得到丰厚的宝箱奖励,拼头脑、更拼谋略,横扫千军破敌万里,一夫当关,万夫莫敌!★竞技争霸 王者争锋★想考验自身武将实力,可透过「竞技场」系统,随时与其他玩家进行武将对决! 为了荣誉,为了走向最强之路,战斗吧!【立即加入 领取奖励】官方FB粉丝团:
钢铁舞姬 1.0
cos女孩大作戰 1.1.8
《cos女孩大作战》是一款题材十分新颖的手游,各类闻名世界的超级英雄女性化,非常的萌趣有爱。独创爱情挖角系统,单身并不可怕,只要遇到有心仪的MRRIGHT,就去勇敢追求吧!而有情侣的你也需要时刻保持团队战斗力,这样才能守卫爱情!现登入游戏即免费获得新手礼包,公测开启更有诸多活动豪礼等你来!喜欢漫威超级英雄的同学,这款游戏就更不能错过啦。粉丝专页:【游戏介绍】  种类繁多的各种超级女英雄卡牌,立体化带你遨游二次元空间,再现英雄风采。玩家通过收集各类女英雄碎片进行觉醒,获得更萌更美丽的形象以及更为强大的技能。【游戏特色】极致画面 绚丽呈现  精美的日本二次元画风,美丽的女英雄身影搭配炫酷的技能,不仅让经典的超级英雄世界战场油然雀跃于手掌之中,更能体验可爱与激情的完美结合。技能万千 自由创新  游戏中你可以一路过关斩将,并收集种类繁多的超级女英雄碎片,完成最终觉醒。全新的外形,全新的技能让人耳目一新,审美疲劳一扫而空。爱情挖角 颠覆传统  首次在卡牌类游戏中设置爱情挖角系统,与时俱进,爱情是没有对错的,只要你够强!就能无所畏惧的追求!不仅战场激烈,情场也是多姿多彩。全新世界 所向披靡  新世界系统,供玩家更多探索的需求,未来有更多的精彩与激情等待着你,火力全开吧,在这满是女生的世界勇敢前进。
Kungfu Saga 1.5.5
1.ABOUT the GameThis latest mobile game is perfectly combined with Card Game element and RPG Strategy Game element. Players can enjoy great fun from the fantastic Equipment Development system, unique Kungfu Heroes’ Pieces Collection feature, Battle Strategy and dazzling battle scene! If you are a Wuxia Lover attracted by the styles of Wulin and Jianghu, this game is exactly what you are looking for. Join in the game and enjoy yourself in the ancient world of love and Hatred!2. Features【Development】Freely embattle distinctive heroes. Challenge different instances. Enhance equipment. Wear exclusive treasures.【For You】 For Wuxia lovers. For players who are looking for the real leisure and happy games.【Battle】 There is creative swiping battle experience. Unique General Tower and intense PVP play show who is the strongest one! Aggressive character images and rare light effects here can lead you to your own Jianghu! 【Theme】 An amazing RPG mobile card game integrating all kind of heroes from various of famous Wuxia novels.【Pictures】 2D. Lovely characters. PVP6!【System】 Heroes selection & Formations. Equipment enhancement,enchantment and gems. Treasures matching. Pass stages in underworld. Several kinds of instances. PK in tournament. Guild. Fortune to get free rewards.3. Core Plays【Roles】 First selection provides a steady basis for further development. 【Levels】 Levels of the character decides the limits of the instances, system to be unlocked and level of equipment.【Property】 Training and breakthrough for higher quality of heroes to largely improve the combat power and change the looks of heroes.【Silver】 The basic currency in game, can be achieved via game missions and are available in different systems. 【Food】 The major staff for heroes to level up, can be achieved via King's Vault.【Treasure】 The exclusive weapons for exclusive heroes, can largely raise the power of the heroes.【Refine】 Refine the heroes' pieces to get hero souls to exchange for more powerful heroes you want!【Guild】 A guild provides you a place to make more friends, learn more powerful skills and add more battle elements. 
九州爭霸-率土之濱 1.1.700
《九州爭霸-率土之濱》是前所未有的多人攻城侵領土的戰略手機遊戲(MMOSLG)。主公的目標是發展軍政,強大國家,世界領土資源有限,主公將與其他玩家展開激烈爭奪。大爭之世戰火彌漫,招募名將、發展軍政、結交盟友,勢力不斷擴充。權力的遊戲沒有劇本,世界發展是三國演義、九州爭霸,甚至一統天下,全由主公主宰!九州大戰 一觸即發 號召全港精英立即加入,為榮譽而戰!【遊戲特色】三國大世界!在壯闊的大地圖上任意攻伐征服:200萬的領土大世界,千國萬城逐鹿中原。戰爭元素全面擬真,玩家間交互對決即時同步。權力的遊戲沒有劇本,世界的演變由你主宰!三國名將,自由建軍,施展萬變的兵法:數百名將、150個戰法多樣組合;武將陣營、稱號羈絆相輔相成;武將謀士、部隊兵種相生相剋。沒有最強的軍隊,只有謀略更高的統帥!競奪資源,內政軍事隨你發展:大世界地域資源有限,發展之路山河染血!內修軍政科技,外定地緣戰略,征服真正對手! 盟友結伴,同生共死!是兄弟就一起上:盟友間互通軍機、組建聯軍,大肆擴張吞噬天下!聲東擊西,圍點打援,閃電斬首,安插內奸、誘敵投誠,演盡古今成名戰法!真實君王鬥智鬥勇的真戰略遊戲。【玩法簡介】● 武將:300+三國名將,任君調遣,精兵強將助你橫掃天下,在率土之濱中完成千秋霸業。● 戰法:150+戰法,根據名將特點和戰爭需求自由組合,可演變出上萬種不同的用兵策略,將是智力與用兵策略的極限考驗。● 勢力:佔領野外領地、攻陷他人城池與領地都將獲得勢力壯大必不可少的資源,真實地形資源有限,削弱敵方就是強化自己,開疆擴土,誰與爭鋒。● 排行:競爭激烈的勢力排行榜,展示你君臨天下的霸氣雄姿。● 城池:建立主城及數量眾多的分城與要塞,讓勢力遍佈三國,同時主城及分城內有豐富的建造樹玩法,內能增強城池以禦敵,外能強大部隊以征伐。● 內政:稅收可增加銅錢,交易可轉換資源,堅守可以加固城池守衛,遷城可將主城完整遷移,流浪可以重新選擇出生地,高效掌控內政是安身立命謀求發展的根本。● 同盟:與其他玩家一起組成同盟,可以得到同盟的資源加成,借助同盟兄弟可增加征戰距離,與盟友同進退,共大業。● 演武:與三國名將對決,歷練自己的名將部隊,同時可以獲得豐富的資源獎勵。官網:粉絲團:"Kyushu hegemony - therate of soil Sea" is an unprecedented invasion of territory siegemultiplayer mobile gaming strategy (MMOSLG).The goal is to develop military lord limited powerful country inthe world territorial resources, the lord will be battling withother players. World War battle of diffuse large, star recruit, thedevelopment of military and political, to make allies, forces havecontinued to expand. Game of Thrones no script, World Developmentis the Three Kingdoms, Kyushu hegemony, or even dominate the world,all dominated by the lord!Kyushu imminent war immediately called on Hong Kong to join theelite, fight for the honor![Game Features]Three World! On a large map of any attack the magnificentconquest:2000000 World territory, thousands of the country Vantown CentralPlains. War elements fully immersive, interactive duel betweenplayers immediate synchronization. Game of Thrones no script, theevolution of the world dominated by you!Three star, the free army, changing display of art of war:Hundreds of famous, 150 diverse combination of tactics; generalscamp, title fetters complementary; generals counselors, militaryarms allelopathy. Not the strongest army, the only strategy thehigher commander!Compete for resources with the internal affairs of the military youdevelop:World regions with limited resources, the development of theblood-stained road mountains and rivers! Military science andtechnology within the repair, the exo geostrategic conquer realopponents!Allies together, with the total death! The brothers togetheron:Interoperability between allies military aircraft, the formation ofthe coalition, are expanding rapidly engulfed the world! Diversionreinforcements around point, lightning beheaded, placement traitor,to lure the enemy surrender, play the best famous ancient andmodern warfare! True real-time strategy game king wits.[Introduction] play● generals: 300+ three star, Ren disposal, to help you crack sweptthe world, Chiaki complete dominance in the rate of soil of thecoast.● tactics: 150+ tactics, according to the characteristics of starwars and demand free combination, can be evolved on thousands ofdifferent tactics of military forces, intelligence and militaryforces will be the ultimate test of strategy.● Power: The field occupied territory, captured the city andterritory of others will get the forces necessary resources togrow, limited real terrain resources, weakening the enemy is tostrengthen themselves, to break expansion of soil, Die AnotherDay.● Rank: competitive forces charts show your domineering majesticmonarchs of the world.● city: the establishment of the main city and a large number ofsub-city and fortress, so that the forces of the three countriesall over, while the main city and sub-city has a wealth of builttree play, can enhance the inner city to resist the enemy outsidecan be a powerful force to conquest.● internal affairs: tax increase coins, trading convertibleresources, adhere to the city can be reinforced guard, moved to thecity can be a full migration main city, birthplace Rangers canre-select, and efficient control of the Interior is seeking tosettle down fundamental development.● Union: composition and alliance with other players, you can getresources league addition, with the league campaign to increase thedistance between the brothers, and ally with the advance andretreat, common cause.● Yanwu: with three famous duel, troops experience their own name,while Keyihuode rich resources reward.Official website: http: // https: //
战神黎明 1.6.0
游戏以古希腊神话为背景,黑暗圣杯在夜之女神的复仇计划之下降临人间,世界被邪恶所笼罩,身为创世神转生的主角背负使命,踏上了收集圣杯碎片,拯救世界的漫漫征途!这里有丰富多彩的大陆板块,气势磅礴的史诗剧情任务;特色副本百样玩法,华丽技能包罗万象。勇士们披上战衣一起来战斗吧,让正义的光辉照耀大地!【游戏特色】◎即时战斗流畅连击◎技能特效完美体验◎多人联机组队闯关◎守护神养成◎滑指操作完美闪避更多精彩內容,尽在《战神》!官方网站:官方粉丝页:联系方式a) 联系人名字:战神客服b) Email:cs@efunfun.comGames with theancientGreek myth as the background, the dark goddess of the nightunderthe Grail revenge come to earth, world shrouded evil, asthereincarnation of the God of creation protagonist bearmission,embarked on a Holy Grail collect debris, long to save theworldjourney! There are a variety of continental plates, themagnificentepic story missions; Features a hundred copies ofgameplay,gorgeous skill inclusive. Warriors put on a jersey andfight andlet the glorious justice shining![Game Features]◎ real-time combat and smooth batter◎ skill effects perfect experience◎ multiplayer team checkpoints◎ patron develop◎ perfect dodge slip finger operationMore exciting content, all in "God of War"!Official website: https: // official fan page: https: // Contact name: Ares Serviceb) Email:
神之刃-Sword of God
神之刃(Sword of God)——冲破视觉极限,超世代3D动作手游!完美动作极致体验,3D镜头视角自由切换!超清画质,华丽技能,尊享顶级视觉盛宴!千种战宠百变搭,掀起动作游戏新风潮!【游戏特色】独创神器玩法 突破传统战斗模式!!至尊神器的收集乐趣,故事冒险夺宝探秘;加入QTE战斗元素,领略全新打击感。数百种炫酷战宠 让战斗充满乐趣!!上千种战宠随心搭配,专属战队即可拥有;数百个技能华丽施展,必杀连击爽个不停。万人协同作战 智慧与力量并重的战斗!!好友助力齐作战,推图刷本两相宜;战宠圣痕多元搭配,小宇宙力量无穷释放。1080P超清画面 尊享顶级视觉盛宴!!实打实等比3D人设,朦胧风格卡通渲染;精彩镜头特写捕捉,iMax级画质完美呈现。SWORD OF GOD- Perfect 3D Picture Presents!Grand character actions present, freely 3D vision switch!HD Graphics, magnificent skills, brings you a feast totheeyes!Hundreds of warrior pets raise the hottest trends ofACTgamesFeaturesUnique Artifact gameplays, Battles beyond the traditional.Interesting artifacts collections, exciting-adventurous stories;QTEbattle elements, brand new click feelings.Hundreds of warrior pets, full of funsFreely choose the warrior pets, set up your powerful troops; showupyour splendid skills, double kill!Multiplayer battles, Strategy and Strength!Friends battles, Multiplayer Boss; Free Warrior pets style, setfreeyour infinite small universe!1080HD Picture, a Feast for the Eyes!Real 3D Actions, Dreamlike Cartoon scene; Fantastic close-upshots,perfect IMAX pictures present!
彩虹物語-吳若希首度代言 1.2.3
彩虹物語年度最可愛橫版動作冒險遊戲【彩虹物語】正式觸目登場。吳若希將與你一起穿梭這個可愛夢幻的彩虹世界!炫麗流暢動作,多段連擊,最強震撼範圍技能,完美可愛動作冒險之旅,讓大家愛不釋手。==遊戲劇情==彩虹物語是2016年首款可愛橫版遊戲,遊戲擁有全新的玩法,可愛萌萌的畫風,經典的冒險故事。遊戲以光之界和暗之界兩個平行世界的戰爭為主線劇情,玩家扮演遊戲中可愛的角色展開一場全新的冒險世界之旅,驚險冒險之旅等你一同展開。==遊戲介紹==彩虹物語-是一款橫版過關的ARPG·Q版遊戲,遊戲以2D橫向方式呈現;瞬間爆發各種特效技能,釋放高段數連擊,體現最熱血打擊感。遊戲中還可以穿戴各樣時裝及攜帶各種寵物,使用自由組合搭配進行挑戰冒險;操作上還悉心加入了自由跳躍、攀爬功能,拼湊出最個性的遊戲樂趣!==遊戲特色==1. 百變造型,數百種時裝部件為打造你最獨特最具魅力的個性造型。2. 寵物軍團,百種Q萌精靈一同助陣,多階段成長變化,更多選擇,更多玩法。3. 百變技能,多種技能與符文搭配方式,助你出奇制勝,戰勝對手。4. 公會戰爭,驚險刺激、多人亂戰,並同為公會之間的榮耀而戰。5. 守護神像,怪物大軍全面侵襲,要守護彩虹世界,一起抵抗敵人吧。==三大職業==※神聖騎士攻守兼備,銅牆鐵壁!用生命捍衛彩虹世界的命運,他的存在是為了守護一切值得珍惜的人!※元素法師元素掌握,控制戰場!掌握了一切的自然元素之力,遠距離釋放成為隊伍不可或缺的輸出成員!※幻影刺客迅速打擊,多重分身!天生的戰爭機器、讓每一個在夜幕下的敵人都無法安睡,擅於獨自行動的角色!馬上下載《彩虹物語》!展開冒險旅程啦!官網地址:粉絲頁:客服信箱 StoryThe year's most lovely cross-action adventure game Rainbow Story[formal] striking debut. Jinny Ng will travel with you this lovelyrainbow fantasy world!Behind the smooth operation, multi batter, the strongest shockrange of skills, perfect cute action adventure, so we put it down.== == Game storyRainbow Moon is a lovely 2016's first horizontal version of thegame, the game has a new play, Meng Meng lovely style, classicadventure story. Game war of light and dark circles of the twocircles of the main line parallel world story, players play thegame cute character to start a new adventure world tour, thrillingadventure waiting for you to start with.Game description == ==Rainbow Story - is a horizontal clearance version of ARPG · Qversion of the game, the game in landscape mode 2D rendered;instantly broke all kinds of special effects skills, the release ofthe high number of segments batter, reflecting the most passionatefight against flu. Games can also be worn every fashion and carry avariety of pets, the use of free combination with the challenge ofadventure; careful operation also joined the Free jumping, climbingfunction, put together the most personalized gaming fun!== Game Features ==1. Variety shape, hundreds of fashion's most unique parts to buildyour most attractive personality style.2. Pet Corps, one hundred kinds Q Meng wizard to help out withmulti-stage growth change, more choices, more games areplayed.3. Variety of skills, a variety of skills and runes with a way tohelp your game, beat his opponent.4. Guild Wars, thrills, people spared from war, and with the gloryof the Association between the war.5. Like the patron saint, the monster army invasioncomprehensively, to guard the Rainbow world together to resist theenemy.Three career == ==※ Holy KnightBoth offensive and defensive, impregnable fortress! With theirlives to defend the fate of the rainbow world, he exists to guardall the cherished people!※ elements of the MasterElemental Mastery, control the battlefield! Mastered all elementsof the force of nature, remote release team become an integraloutput member!※ Phantom AssassinRapid strike multiple places at once! Born war machine, so thatevery enemy in the night are unable to sleep, good character actalone!Download "Rainbow Story"! Expand the adventure it!Official website address: http: // fan page: https: // Service:
Miss.劉關張 1.0.1
《Miss.劉關張》是一款玩法多樣的三國女英雄卡牌遊戲,各國亂世梟雄全面女性化,非常萌趣可愛。多達上百個女武將任你隨意擺佈,征戰各種難度與趣味並存的副本及挑戰!粉絲專頁:【遊戲介紹】  種類繁多的各種三國女英雄卡牌,萌甜的日語配音,逗趣的台詞,呈現出一個豐富多彩的另類三國世界。玩家通過收集各類三國女英雄碎片進行覺醒,獲得更萌更美麗的形象以及更為強大的屬性。【遊戲特色】合體!炫酷必殺誰能敵  你以為武將必殺就只有枯燥的一個嗎?no!每個武將都有專屬的另一半,一起上陣可以釋放威力更加驚人,效果更加酷炫的合體必殺技!令人血脈噴張。多變!強化武將換造型  你以為武將造型都是一成不變的嗎?no!每個武將都有專屬的另類造型,每次覺醒都會對你的視覺造成衝擊!令人倍感酷炫。豐富!遊戲玩法多樣變。  你以為日常就只有枯燥的推圖和競技場嗎?no!空間異域戰,西域馬場,秘境石窟,每一種玩法都能讓你high上一段時間,絕對不會枯燥無趣。鬥智!武將搭配花樣多  你以為排兵佈陣很簡單嗎?no!不同的武將搭配,不同的仇恨與速度較量,加上遊戲特色的必殺系統,絕對令你耳目一新,絞盡你的腦汁。
星河战神 1.00.21
Iron Throne: Song of Wars 1.0.0
[Game Background]Good times don’t last long. The House of William continued forover300 years, but finally came to an end under the rule of thelastking - King Ares because of the Usurper War. The king beinginpossession of the Iron Throne changed to Edward family fromthenon. After the Usurper War, Aaron Edward became the new king,but heabruptly died after indulging himself too much. The thronebecomevacant again. A new round of struggle kicked off for thepower ofthe king. Every big family declared war on the Holy Capitalto getthe Iron Throne with the supreme power. However, the orphansof theWilliam Family who were forgotten are waiting for a revenge.A gameof power, wealth, and revenge is about to break up...[FEATURES]●A real-time sandbox game with 7 kingdoms, 2 million pieces ofland,totally immersive war elements, real-time interaction withplayers,no daily tasks, and no dungeons. You hold all thecards!●Mix and match hundreds of heroes to form the best combinationofarmies to deploy into battle. There are more than 150 generalsandtactics in the current version. Build up the most suitable armytodefeat other armies. You have to make good use of thestrategiesand your wisdom.● Struggle for the resources and upgrade facilities. Theresourcesin the world map are limited, you have to hurry up!Upgradefacilities to grow your military power and conquer therealopponent!● Fight with your alliances! Form the allied forces and usethestrategies to expand your territory! Get the throne of thesupremepower and write your own history!Fanpage:
夢之童話 1.3.0
【遊戲特色】*正宗韓風-絕對正統韓國團隊製作手機遊戲,回到最初的感動,沒有VIP!沒有無止盡無上限的儲值活動!*多職業隨意切換,展現獨特華麗的戰鬥技巧!*Q版人物 - 3D高清人設,正宗卡哇伊Q版角色,萌倒全港女仔!*暢快打擊-橫衝直撞衡掃魔物,輕鬆遊樂,簡單操作,快來體驗指尖放電的快感!*華麗技能-技能光彩炫目,厭倦了沒有特效只有跳數字無聊技能嗎?華麗技能搭配超強傷害才夠酷!技能組合豐富,快來搭配技能,與你的好友們鬥智鬥力共同歡樂!*即時共鬥-還在其他遊戲與玩家數據組隊或是對決嗎?打贏了AI確總是充滿空虛嗎?即時共鬥才是真正的線上遊戲啦!彼此切磋鬥陣,彼此合作通過層層考驗!*獨特時裝-上百種可愛裝備等你來收集,打造出你最炫麗的童話世界!【FB粉絲團】
永恆Online-高海寧代言力薦鉅作 1.0
首款大型史詩手機OnlineGame!華麗魔幻級震撼完美呈現!獨創次世代美術風格,即時光照還原PC端品質,精美絕倫的3D場景,宏偉壯闊的世界,精彩刺激的陣營爭霸,讓你隨時隨地盡情享受PK的即時暢快感。高海寧代言力薦,帶你穿越永恆Online!【遊戲背景】遊戲以西方魔幻世界為背景,永恆的世界,存在於永無止境的分合,第三世界即將被混沌吞噬。英雄被抹去了記憶,然而依然帶著屬於自己的使命來到了第三世界,帶領女武神來拯救這個即將毀滅的世界。【遊戲特色】◆ 極緻3D人物與炫麗場景刻畫精緻3D建模技術,人物動作細緻栩栩如生,史詩般的魔幻場景,運用最新的光影科技特效,建構出壯闊的世界觀。華麗流暢的戰鬥動作與磅礡技能光效,絕佳的聲光與視覺,令人震驚的手機遊戲畫面完美表現,真正劃時代的手機遊戲。◆ 創新式簡易操作,迸發指尖多種技能策略,玩法全面突破不喜歡虛擬按鍵了?沒問題!《永恆Online》手遊在作業系統方面做出重大革新,增添了創新的指尖手勢操作,玩家可滑動螢幕上任意的位置釋放多種不同技能。大幅提升了遊戲戰鬥過程中的爽快感,又實現了玩家對視覺以及視角的高度要求。◆ 軍團戰爭及陣營攻城戰號召線上志同道合的英雄,一同組成最強的王者軍團!千人會戰,一戰永恆!陣營對抗MOBA玩法!身為王者的你,豈能置身事外?趕快加入戰鬥,創造屬於自己的王國!◆ 締結永恆愛情 創新婚戀系統華麗的大型3D婚禮場景,從喜結良緣到情比金堅,都印證了婚姻的神聖。戰場上比翼雙飛,生死不離!戰場也有真正屬於你的幸福!◆ 多種技能策略,玩法全面突破五大主動技能、十餘種技能特效為您敞開,在浮空,跳躍,旋轉,影閃,奧義等技能表現形式中,體驗電影級的動作釋放!玩法實現大突破,陣營PK添加MOBA元素。PK不受限,全地圖隨時約戰!技能進化,策略無限,拳拳到肉,打擊感十足,戰鬥體驗堪稱驚豔!◆ 獨特聖物裝備,全部隨機掉落!《永恆Online》擁有獨特的聖物系統,聖物將化為特殊裝備取代通常遊戲中的洗練功能,而作為稀缺裝備的它並不容易得到,完全隨機的野外掉落與強大的聲望商店將是你在遊戲中不斷奮鬥的目標。◆ 自由市場交易獨特聖物系統打寶刷裝換鑽石,萬種裝備自由交易,最自由的市場機制,讓你爽快打寶越打越賺!◆ 華麗絕美羽翼天堂般的羽翼,聖潔與崇高的象徵,惡魔般的翅膀,暗黑與噬血的信仰。培養專屬於你的羽翼,打造最酷的翅膀,獲得支配世界的力量!官網地址:粉絲頁:客服信箱 first large-scaleepic phone Online Game! Magic level shock gorgeous perfect present!The next generation of the original art style, instantly reducingPC side illumination quality, exquisite 3D scene, magnificentmagnificent world of exciting camp hegemony, let you anytime,anywhere to enjoy the immediate sense of fun PK. High Hainingendorsement highly recommended, take you through eternity Online![Game Background]Game Western fantasy world as the background, the eternal worldexists in endless division, third world chaos about to beswallowed. Hero erased his memory, but still with a mission oftheir own came to the Third World, led the Valkyries to save thecoming destruction of the world.[Game Features]◆ Extreme 3D characters and scenes portrayed dazzlingSophisticated 3D modeling, lifelike and detailed action figures,epic fantasy scene, using the latest science and technology oflight and shadow effects, construct a magnificent view of theworld.Gorgeous and smooth action and fighting skills 磅礡 light effects,great sound and light and vision, shocking picture perfect mobilegame performance, truly epoch-making mobile games.◆ innovative ease of operation, burst fingertip multiple skillsstrategy, play a comprehensive breakthroughI do not like the virtual keys? no problem! "Eternal Online" handtour to make a significant innovation in terms of operating system,adding an innovative finger gestures, players can slide on thescreen at any position to release a variety of different skills.Significantly improved the course of the fighting gameShuangkuaigan, but also realize the player height requirements forvision and perspective.◆ Corps War and siege campOnline call minded hero, with the composition of the strongestcorps king!Thousands of battle, a war forever! MOBA games are played againstthe camp!As king you, how can we stay out? Join the fight to create theirown kingdom!◆ conclude eternal love marriage innovation systemGorgeous wedding large 3D scenes, from married to Love Over Gold,have confirmed the sanctity of marriage.Fly together on the battlefield, life and death! Battlefield alsohas real part of your happiness!◆ multiple skills strategy, play a comprehensivebreakthroughFive active skills, more than ten kinds of special effects skillsto open for you in the float, jump, spin, flash video, esotericskills such manifestations, experience level action movie release!Play to achieve a major breakthrough, camp PK add MOBA elements. PKis not limited, the whole map at any time gathers! Evolutionaryskills, strategies infinite, Sincere to the meat against the fullsense of combat experience called amazing!◆ unique sacred equipment, random drop all!"Eternal Online" system has a unique holy, holy special equipmentwill be substituted into the game in the usual succinct functions,and the scarcity of equipment as it is not easy to get, fallingcompletely random field and a strong reputation shops will be inthe game you are constantly goal.◆ unique sacred free market trading systemPlaying treasure brush installed for diamonds, 10,000 kinds ofequipment free trade, the free market mechanism, so you earnplaying refreshing to play treasure! ◆ gorgeous beautiful wingsHeavenly wings, holy and sublime symbol of demonic wings, dark andhemophagocytic faith.Train exclusively for your wings to create the coolest wings to getpower to dominate the world!Official website address: http: // fan page: https: // Service:
仙境迷城-浪漫婚戀暖心開啟 1.0.8
夢之神域-大型冒險3D動作遊戲 2.4
Warship Commander 1.0.1
"Warship Commander", you can useEnglish,Simplified Chinese or Thai language to play. Surge thepower overthe ocean in this top strategic game. Enjoy the battlestriving forthe strait in the storm. Slam out fun of Real TimeBattle. Createyour kingdom of majestic marine with aircraftcarriers,nuclear-powered deadly submarines, ultra-compact defensivetorpedoarray. What are you waiting for, man? Outbreak the desire inyourheart, to dominate, to conquer, to destroy all you dislike.Startyour journey, found your super fleet! Game Features:1.Perfectly Restore the Battlefield of World War II    It is a background of World War II filledwithplunder without sympathy and tears. Make each level becomethebattlefield of World War II which recorded the most tragicmemoryof human. Stage of attacking the Pearl Harbor, Midway War,NormandyLanding are waiting for you to challenge;2.Performance of Wisdom and Strategy    You are not omnipotent even you are veryrich.Show your wisdom of strategy to form the most powerful fleet.Buildthe strongest supply base, set a perfect formation to be thetopone among all teams and lead your partners to conquer theoceansall over the world;3.New Plays of PVP&PVE   Forget about the strategic game you’veplayedbefore and come to experience the latest PVP battle! One onone PK,guild battle for resources and honor, all of these depend onnotonly your strategy, but also your core power of yourwholeteam!4.Top Equipment and Fitting System    Use your genius talent to transform yourwarshipsand build an invincible marine battle group. Theflexiblecombination makes the eternal king. Don’t trust about oncefor all,only keep going can obliterate all potential crisis.     "Warship Commander" debuts with plenty ofgifts!If you miss this moment, you will fall far behind others!What areyou waiting for? Come! Hold a safe lead andadvancebravely!--"Warship Commander"
如果的世界-浪漫花嫁 1.0.2
【遊戲簡介】2017年度純正日系可愛畫風冒險手機遊戲如果的世界,萬眾觸目!SNK正版授權角色x手塚治虫スタジアニメ跨界力作,八神庵、不知火舞、娜考露露、霸王丸等經典遊戲角色強勢參戰!遊戲力邀日本人氣動漫聲優配音100%純正日系可愛,帶你進入這個如果的世界!【在這個如果的世界,充滿了快樂的夢想與奇蹟的光輝,我們過去一直守護著劍與魔法所交織的光芒與記憶,在這一次的冒險新旅程,我堅信只要有你,我們便可以再次創造無數的可能!】【遊戲特色】※浪漫花嫁 今天你要嫁給我※冒險家們期盼已久的結婚系統正式亮相啦!奢華的紅毯,閃耀的婚戒,圍觀祝福的朋友,手提花籃的花童,宣讀誓詞的主教,浪漫的玫瑰雨……你夢想中最美好的婚禮,一樣都不會少!※超可愛座騎登場 組隊新寵物勇闖冒險世界※萬眾期待的坐騎資料片正式登場啦!超可愛的坐騎,神秘的新寵物「紅龍」,陣營魔法力量加持,超強80級野外Boss等等全新玩法等你挑戰喔!趕快叫上小夥伴們~組隊出發吧!※SNK正版授權角色x手塚治虫スタジアニメ※日本SNK正版授權角色x手塚治虫スタジアニメ跨界力作,如果的世界純正日系可愛畫風冒險手機遊戲!由場景到角色,戰鬥到系統,皆是水準至高的頂尖作品!※經典遊戲角色 八神庵 不知火舞強勢參戰※由日本株式会社SNKプレイモア正版授權植入旗下經典遊戲角色,拳皇系列:八神庵、不知火舞,侍魂系列:娜考露露、霸王丸,為提高經典角色的還原度,如果的世界所有經典角色一律採用日本原版CV配音!※野外隨意捕捉寵物,育成你的專屬夥伴※寵物可以藉由冒險家於旅程中野外地圖隨意捕捉,寵物更擁有多變進化形式,可愛外形一路變變變!小進化後不僅實力大幅提升,還具備可愛或華麗外形!結合寵物屬性培養、技能自由搭配,育成你的獨特個性專屬寵物!※人氣動漫聲優配音 100%純正日系可愛※日本經典動漫角色聲優陣容加盟,竹內順子、柿原徹也、大谷育江等等為遊戲全力配音,那些曾經熟悉的聲音,讓你宛如置身動漫世界,開啟一場快樂的冒險之旅!
曙光-激戰全球!香港爭霸世界 1.0.2
2017最強魔幻MMOARPG遊戲,曙光降臨,香港激戰全球!2017MMOARPG開年巨作《曙光》,香港激戰全球,馭龍雙飛,萬人PVP,實景再現魔幻史詩場景;首創載器攻城戰,勇者們可騎乘飛龍驅使攻城獸操控投石車來參與國戰,體驗前所未有的攻城玩法!野外激戰搶殺BOSS!掉落稀有裝備寶物自由交易!稀有坐騎自由捕捉!各類豐富雙人乘騎!特色國戰!實時語音指揮!2017魔幻史詩MMOARPG開年巨作!馬上來戰!【遊戲特色】*魔幻史詩國戰手機遊戲魔幻史詩國戰,突破時間和空間的壁壘,擁有廣闊面積的魔幻世界,這裡的戰爭氣勢如虹,除了傳統的人與人PK模式,還加入了豐富的攻城玩法。所有玩家在國戰中都能操控攻城車與守城炮,用炮火大範圍攻擊敵軍,一炮達成百人斬,平民也能用炮臺這類大殺器擊殺最強戰士。攻方國王在國戰中擁有召喚攻城巨獸的權利,駕馭攻城巨獸破壞城池,加快破城的速度。*PVP搶殺BOSS 掉落稀有寶物, 自由市場交易!傳承PC端遊精髓玩法,勇者可以在野外地圖上自由PK,為了獲得BOSS掉落的極珍貴道具,兩大陣營勇者,多個公會大打出手,而最終獲得道具的玩家可自己使用增強戰力,也可在交易行賣給其他玩家賺取金錢。*最大地圖  乘坐雙人坐騎無限探索《曙光》地圖有多大?用人數來形容,每張地圖都能容納上萬玩家戰鬥,在這樣的大地圖中行走,擁有自己的坐騎必不可少。坐騎種類繁多,飛龍、雄獅、火鴉等應有盡有;*4V4競技 王者對決小戰場大策略競技玩法貼心的為玩家準備了雙排系統,可以邀請高戰玩家與你一起並肩作戰,採用不同策略攻城掠地爭取最高的積分,成就最強王者;官方粉絲團*多樣攻城 操控投石車 攻城獸 乘龍破城國戰中,除了傳統的玩法模式,還加入了豐富的攻城玩法。所有玩家在國戰中都能操控攻城車與守城炮,用炮火大範圍攻擊敵軍,一炮達成百人斬,平民也能用炮臺這類大殺器擊殺土豪。攻方國王在國戰中擁有召喚攻城巨獸的權利,駕馭攻城巨獸破壞城池,加快破城的速度。"2017 MagicMMOARPGstrongest games, come dawn, Hong Kong's global battle!Starting the year 2017 MMOARPG masterpiece "Dawn", the HongKongfighting global, Yu Long Flying, people PVP, reproducing realepicfantasy scene; first loader siege warfare, the brave can ridethedragon beast driven siege catapult manipulated toparticipatenational war, siege gameplay experience ever!Grab battle field to kill BOSS! Drop rare equipment treasuresfreetrade!Freedom to capture rare mounts! Rich in all kinds ofdoubleride!Features national war! Real-time voice command!2017 fantasy epic masterpiece MMOARPG new year! Immediatelytofight![Game Features]* Fantasy epic country battle mobile gameFantasy epic country battle to break through the barriers oftimeand space, with a vast area of ​​the fantasy world, wherethedarling of the war, people in addition to the traditional PKmodel,also joined the rich siege gameplay. All players in the warin thecountry able to control the car and defenders siegeartillery,attack the enemy with artillery range, reaching a gunchopped 100civilians can also use such a big kill kill Fortstrongestfighters. King of the attacking side has the right tosummon themonster siege war in the country, managing siege monsterdestroyedthe city, breaking the city to speed up the speed.* PVP kill BOSS grab drop rare treasure, a freemarkettransaction!Inheritance PC side trips essence of play, the brave can PKfreelyon the field map, in order to obtain very valuable BOSSfallingprops, the two camps brave, fight more than one guild, andplayersfinally get props can use to enhance their own combat power,Youmay also be sold to other players in the transaction line toearnmoney.* Maximum map by double mount unlimited Exploration"Dawn" map be? Used to describe the number of people, each mapcanaccommodate thousands of players fighting, walking in such alargemap, with its own horse is essential. A wide range ofhorse,dragon, lion, fire crow and so on everything;* 4V4 King athletics showdownSmall battlefield big competitive strategy gameplay caring fortheplayers to prepare a double system, players can invite highwarfought with you, using different strategies to conquernewterritories for the highest score, the achievements ofthestrongest king;Official fan group* Control of siege catapults diverse siege beast dragonbrokencityWar in the country, in addition to the traditional gameplaymode,also joined the rich siege gameplay. All players in the war inthecountry able to control the car and defenders siegeartillery,attack the enemy with artillery range, reaching a gunchopped 100civilians can also use such a big kill fort kill Tyrant.King ofthe attacking side has the right to summon the monster siegewar inthe country, managing siege monster destroyed the city,breakingthe city to speed up the speed. "
倩女幽魂-国民女神林明祯倾情代言 1.0
倩女幽魂-国民女神林明祯倾情代言,新马专属服将于#R3月30日12:00pm#n正式开启,诚邀与你畅游三界永订三生!极品稀有装备公平掉落,面对面自由交易,瞬间变富豪!——古风玄幻 极致唯美金陵、逍遥观、兰若寺……数十个唯美逼真场景,电影级细腻渲染高清画质,更有林明祯配音,带来华丽视听盛宴!——千人同屏 真实社交游戏内个人空间、师徒系统、帮会、梦岛系统真人社交,实现玩家之间的真人深度互动!——全新比武大会 100V100帮会联赛比武大会结合单挑、群殴玩法,火速召集你的黄金战队!100V100实时对抗!更有众多PVP玩法,不服来战!打趴对手!——六大职业 体验丰富六大职业,10种角色各具特色!随机副本,惊喜关卡等你发现;迷宫玩法大型生存战,真正实力比拼;世界BOSS,带你亲历倩女故事新编。——极品装备公平掉落 可自由交易极品装备由打怪公平掉落,不绑定。玩家可面对面直接交易。瞬间变富豪!——国民手游 经典还原还原经典网游,千万玩家倾情推荐!一条龙、跑商、剧情主线、藏宝图等经典玩法!新马国民手游,共历三界情义!【玩家好评】——组队自动匹配 新手入门快游戏上手非常容易,做任务有自动匹配功能,即使是新手也不用担心组队找不到队友。没时间的时候还可以挂机打怪,玩起来很轻松。——女玩家特别多 容易认识朋友游戏里组队、帮会都很容易认识新朋友,其中很多都是女玩家,玩这游戏的女生特别多!梦岛系统里面好多美女啊!不方便打字的时候可以发语音,能自动识别成文字,和朋友交流起来也非常方便!【联系我们】Facebook上搜索:倩女幽魂-国民女神林明祯倾情代言。关注我们,可实时获得游戏福利、资讯、攻略。
權力與榮耀﹣王國的野心 1.0.79
【權力與榮耀】王國的野心!極致華麗戰爭MMO鉅作!遊戲史上聲勢最浩大的角色扮演以及動作國戰遊戲!極華麗戰場,豐富系統元素!獨創直播交友,實現LBS實時衛星定位技術,近距離接觸同城好友!Unity3D遊戲引擎高清無死角完美呈現極致華麗的3D遊戲畫面,360°自由旋轉的視角,每處細節的光影和材質都經過細膩的渲染,讓你仿佛身臨其境在那戰火紛飛的中世紀世界,回到那烽煙遍地的宏偉戰場,實現心中追名逐利的龐大野心!【遊戲特色】※史無前例!360度高清無死角,最遼闊探險國度!※極致華麗的3D遊戲畫面,360°高清自由旋轉的視角,橫跨遊戲史上最遼闊國度,騎乘絕品飛龍穿梭於金碧輝煌的城堡之中,帶你探索那中世紀神秘而古老的王國,品味遊戲內細膩渲染的光影效果,為你展現美輪美奐的極致風光,震撼人心的視覺盛宴!※ 最強交友互動!語音直播組隊,手起刀落一路殺入敵國!※遊戲獨創內置直播系統,網絡紅人、主播閃耀入駐直播間,與你共同組隊搶殺BOSS,指揮組隊闖副本。零距離直播、交友、親密互動,全天候陪伴上戰場,引領遊戲社交最前線玩法!※宏偉大世界版圖!六國混戰,雄霸一方!※即時跨服六國混戰,強強策略結盟,國王領導指揮攻城,各職業技能華麗綻放,戰車重炮遠程對轟,完美呈現萬人的PVP震撼戰爭場面。※四大職業雙重轉職,專屬技能展現無數變化!※全新自由轉職系統,每一位勇士都能使用轉職書在劍士、弓手、騎士、法師四大職業、八大職業提升方向任意挑選。每個職業都有鮮明的戰場定位,玩慣了沖鋒陷陣的肉盾騎士,就來體驗遠程法師的絢麗魔法,四大職業驚世呈現,這是實現龐大野心,追逐巔峰名利的跨世代華麗戰場![Power] kingdom and gloryambition! The ultimate gorgeous War MMO masterpiece!Game in the history of the most vast momentum and actionrole-playing country fighting game! Battlefield extremely gorgeous,rich system elements! Original live friends, LBS to achievereal-time satellite positioning technology, close contact withfriends in your city! Unity3D game engine presents the ultimatehigh definition perfection no dead gorgeous 3D game screen, 360 °free rotation angle, every detail of light and delicate materialshave been rendered, so you like the ground in that war-tornmedieval world , back to that phone-strewn battlefield ambitious toachieve the hearts of fame huge ambitions![Game Features]※unprecedented! 360 degree HD no dead ends, most vast countryadventure! ※The ultimate gorgeous 3D game screen, 360 ° free rotation ofhigh-definition perspective, the history of the game across thevast country, riding dish dragon shuttling among the magnificentcastle, take you to explore that mysterious and ancient medievalkingdom, the taste of the game within delicate rendering oflighting effects, to show you the ultimate beautiful scenery,stirring visual feast!※ strongest interactive dating! Voice broadcast team, leash reachedall the way to the enemy! ※Original built-in game broadcast system, Internet and mediacelebrities, anchor shine settled in the studio, team up with youto grab kill BOSS, Chuang copy of the command team. Zero live,friends, intimate interaction, all-weather companion on thebattlefield, leading the forefront of social game play!※ magnificent World map! Six countries melee, Xiongbayifang!※Real-time inter-service six countries melee, strong strategicalliance, King's leadership and command siege, the professionalskills of gorgeous bloom, heavy artillery tanks for remotedetonation, shock perfect rendering of thousands of PVP battlescenes.※ four major professional double transfer, exclusive skillsdemonstrated countless variations! ※The new free-transfer system, every warrior can choose anyone fromusing the transfer books swordsmen, archers, Knight, Mage fourprofessional, eight career advancement direction. Each class has adistinct battlefield positioning, used to playing human shieldsknight strikes, come to experience the magic remote Mastergorgeous, stunning the four major professional presentation, whichis cross-generational gorgeous huge ambitions to achievebattlefield, chase the pinnacle of fame and fortune!
星界歷險-好友集結 組隊大冒險 4.1.0